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Visualize, understand & implement essential data structures and algorithms

Certificación Profesional en
Data Structures and Algorithms

Lo que aprenderás

  • Learn how to differentiate between linear data structures like linkedlists, arrays, arraylists, stacks, and queues, and select the correct structure for a given situation. Analyze data structure performance with the course visualization tool.
  • Visualize and study nonlinear/hierarchical data structures such as Binary Trees, BSTs and Heaps. Examine tree operations & algorithms. Implement a HashMap that uses key-value pairs to store data. Explore probabilistic data structures like SkipLists.
  • To differentiate between complex tree data structures, like AVL and (2-4) trees, understand their self-balancing techniques and implementations. Visualize and examine various Divide and Conquer sorting algorithms along with their performance.
  • Analyze & implement various Pattern Matching algorithms from KMP to Rabin-Karp. Study essential graph traversal algorithms in order to implement Dijkstra’s Shortest Path, and construct Minimum Spanning Trees. Delve in Dynamic Programming.
Capacitación de la mano de expertos
4 cursos de capacitación
A tu ritmo
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5 meses
9 - 10 horas por semana
Precio con descuento: 680,40 US$
Precio original: 756 US$
Para obtener la experiencia completa del programa

Cursos en este programa

  1. Certificación Profesional en Data Structures and Algorithms de GTx

Conoce a tu instructor
de The Georgia Institute of Technology (GTx)

Mary Hudachek-Buswell
Associate Chair, School of Computing Instruction
Georgia Institute of Technology

Expertos de GTx comprometidos con el aprendizaje en línea

Inscríbete ahora

Precio con descuento: 680,40 US$
Precio original: 756 US$
4 cursos en 5 meses
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