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Drive your career forward

Professional Certificate in
Herramientas de presentación: Power Point, Photoshop e Illustrator
JaverianaX and UPValenciaX

What you will learn

  • Aprenderás a comunicar tus ideas de forma efectiva e impactante consiguiendo que conecten con la audiencia a la que te diriges.
  • Conseguirás una comunicación efectiva, un paso crucial en cualquier actividad empresarial o académica.
  • Aprenderás a utilizar PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop y Adobe Illustrator (estos dos últimos parte de Adobe Creative Cloud), programas considerados como estándar de facto en el mundo de la comunicación corporativa.
Expert instruction
3 skill-building courses
Progress at your own speed
3 months
7 - 10 hours per week
Discounted price: $68.40
Pre-discounted price: $76USD
For the full program experience

Courses in this program

  1. JaverianaX and UPValenciaX's Herramientas de presentación: Power Point, Photoshop e Illustrator Professional Certificate

Meet your instructors
from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (JaverianaX), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPValenciaX)

Juan Carlos Lemus Romero
Miguel Ferrando Bataller
Ignacio Despujol
Linda Castañeda Quintero
Juan Carlos Alonso Rico

Experts from JaverianaX, UPValenciaX committed to teaching online learning

Enrolling Now

Discounted price: $68.40
Pre-discounted price: $76USD
3 courses in 3 months
Pursue the Program


Drive your career forward with university-backed credit programs and verified certificates


Study and demonstrate knowledge on your schedule


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Learn with university partners and peers from around the world